Unlocking Creativity Through Psychoanalysis

Treatment & Research


The Foundation’s mission is achieved through psychoanalytic education, programs and research.  Central to the Foundation’s mission was the treatment/research program which began in 1993. This program has provided nine grants for psychoanalytic treatment to creative individuals who were willing to have their treatment, work and lives followed in research.

In consultation with prominent psychoanalysts and clinical researchers, the Foundation staff carefully designed a program of treatment and data collection for this initial cohort.  The treatment and research program was designed to work with individuals representing diverse aspects of creative work. The Foundation focused on writers living in the greater Triangle area of North Carolina.

Not only is empirical research in this field rare, but support for such research has diminished severely in the last decade. Therefore, the Foundation chose to invest a portion of its resources in developing this treatment and research program which would bring an integrated multi-method perspective to the relationship between creativity and psychoanalysis.

Although these grants are no longer offered, the data associated with them, including longitudinal studies, constitute the largest archive of recorded psychoanalytic treatment with creative individuals in the world.

This data is now shared with the Emory University Center for Psychoanalytic Research and Education, where there are increased resources for its study.