Seminar & Artists Speak
Our Problems as the Roots of Our Power
Lucy Daniels, PhD, developed this seminar out of her own experiences in overcoming obstacles to creative freedom. She guides the class (divided into three segments) with the focus throughout on the creative process and its interaction with our inner selves. Selection of class participants deliberately mixes all types of creators. Find out more.
News 14 Carolina’s Marti Skold talk with Dr. Lucy Daniels on August 29, 2012 about seminar, Our Problems as the Roots of Our Power.
“The seminar’s teachings surrounds the psychological study of creativity, the role of creative processes powered by the creator’s personal problems, and the rising above in awareness and courage of using one’s personal problems as the drive for their creative acts. This seminar has impacted my creative process by feeling more comfortable sharing both my experiences and ideas with those around me.” Julian Phelps—age 24, Painter & Poet—Class of 2014-15
“I went from having no direction to creating two CDs after taking the class with Lucy. The path wasn’t a straight or easy one, but the work with her opened me up to a level of creativity I didn’t even realize I was capable of.” Andrea Osborne—age 45, Musician/Singer—Class of 2009-10
“I recommend the seminar to anyone looking to better understand or even rejuvenate their own creative process. The insights I gained when I was a participant over ten years ago continue to inform my work today.” C.M.—Theater Artist & Writer—Class of 1999-2000
“As a photographer, wishing to expand my creativity in the fine art category, what I found to be the most interesting and inspirational in the seminar, was the interaction between, and the revealing of self among the widely diverse backgrounds of the participants. What it meant to me was a stimulation of my sense of empathy and broadening of my horizons of what is possible and the personal struggles to fulfill artistic passions. This experience, I believe, enlarged my perspectives in approaching the fulfillment of my own photographic goals.” Eric Ellwood—age 92, Photographer (part-time)—Class of 2014-15
“Lucy’s seminar expanded my thinking regarding how I approach making art and how I perceive the outcome. Being in a group with others exploring the creative process was so valuable in seeing the interaction between the self and the art & life one creates.” Sally—Class of 2001-02
“Being a participant in Lucy Daniels’ first seminar twenty-three years ago began a life-enriching journey for me.” Tom Mann―Pianist/Teacher/Composer―Class of 1992-93
Artists Speak
Artists who have studied theories of creativity with Dr. Daniels find their own creativity enhanced by greater self-awareness. Her three segments are titled “Psychoanalytic Theories of Creativity,” “Using Psychoanalytic Self-Understanding to Enhance Your Creativity,” and “Using Dreams to Enhance Your Creativity.” are offered in 18 classes, October through May
Gayle Stott Lowry and Tom Mann were among the artists/students in Dr. Daniels’ first course. Their experience in the course was so bonding and so affirming, that the group has continued to meet monthly in the intervening years, exploring dreams and providing mutual support for each other in their creative journeys. Sherrod Barnes Duggan is a sculptor who took the courses in 1996-97. All three artists have experienced insight-oriented therapy in addition to the course